How to Get Ready For Divorce; Attorney Turned Mediator
HOST: Beverly Price, Divorce & Empowerment Coach
GUEST: Lesa Koski, Attorney Turned Mediator President and Founder of Koski Law & Mediation
Getting ready for divorce is a significant and emotionally charged process that requires careful consideration and preparation. It involves not only the legal aspects but also the emotional and financial ones. Before taking this life-altering step, you should seek guidance from a divorce coach to process your feelings, work on your self and understand your reasons for divorce. Working with a professional will help you prepare adequately, gather the right information, and get the right divorce professionals into your team for the best possible outcome.
Preparing for divorce is about safeguarding your future while navigating the process with as much grace and resilience as possible. In this episode of Her Empowered Divorce, your Host, Beverly Price, talks to Lesa Koski, Attorney Turned Mediator President and Founder of Koski Law & Mediation. Together, they discuss how to make the decision to divorce and what the most important steps are.
● How do you know that it’s time to divorce? Knowing when it’s time to divorce is personal. Start by working on yourself to grow and work on your marriage, check in with your spouse, too, and get a divorce coach to walk with you. When you have done everything you could, follow your gut and be comfortable with the decision.
● Divorce should not be taken lightly. If you have made the choice to do it, you should work on yourself and your communication skills to do it in a better way and ensure you don’t go through it again.
● What is the most important first step to maximize the divorce process? Having a divorce coach is one of the first steps that can save you money in the long run. Knowing your goals, understanding your finances, doing your budget, and looking at your home options will help you get things aligned and do it differently.
● How do I share your decision for divorce with family and friends? Be a united front and come added together. That will change the positioning of your divorce outward.
● Whether you are getting along or are contentious, having a parenting plan in place can really help. Parenting plans are so important because when you have kids, they are the number one concern when you are getting a divorce.
● It can be hard to feel good about something like divorce, but you can feel confident about your decision and know you made the right one by being courageous to look at what you are feeling, getting curious about the feeling, looking at the thought process behind them and being capable and consistent in doing that. (Lesa)
● To clarify your decision about divorce and move forward, evaluate yourself and your spouse; compare that to your ideal partner, and then consider if you are the kind of person they would be attracted to and work on yourself to get there. Don’t be fixated on what you want, but also on becoming the person someone would want to be in a relationship with. (Beverly)
● So many parents think they want to keep the home for their children after divorce; however, if you are stressed out and can’t afford it, that is not helping your children. Having a home that you can afford is more important than staying in that home that will have you working all the time and feeling stressed. (Lesa)
● Take care of yourself, have empathy for yourself, love yourself and whatever you feel, hug yourself, and be your best friend; if you’re not taking care of yourself, you can’t be there for anyone, including your children. (Lesa)
● If you don’t take the time to stop to learn about yourself after a divorce, why you were attracted to the person you are divorcing, and work on yourself, you will be attracted to the same things again. (Beverly)
● Knowing your finances is so important when you’re starting your divorce process; it will give you the freedom to make the decisions and the opportunity to spend your money how you want.
Lesa Koski helps you get through your divorce in a stress-less and pain-free manner. She believes that communication, trust, and compromise can help every situation end amicably. When people have these three things at their disposal, they can feel peace, calmness, empowerment, and just an overall sense that they have at least a bit of control over their lives. When you meet with Lesa, you will find a caring, sympathetic ear that listens and you can trust. And that’s the beauty of divorce mediation: you can find someone who meshes with you.
Podcast: Doing Divorce Differently:
Beverly Price is the empowering divorce coach who guides women on their journey before, during, and after divorce to eliminate pain, overwhelm, sadness, and anger and create more knowledge, skill, and peace that she experienced herself. In her 30 years of divorce coaching experience she has help thousands of women move through divorce, fully prepared with skills that enhance the results of their divorce process.
Remember, divorce doesn’t have to be a death sentence. With the right support and guidance, you can move through the process with knowledge, skills, and confidence. If you’d like to schedule a complimentary private consultation, reach out to Beverly at:
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