What is a Divorce Coach?

A divorce coach works as a member of your team to support you before, during and after divorce to help your process emotions, make smart decisions and avoid costly mistakes. In addition to my personal divorce experience, I received extensive training and mentoring to become a CDC Certified Divorce Coach®, Certified Women’s Empowerment Coach and Certified Pre-mediation Coach and have coached women through divorce for over 30 years. I help my clients stay sane, stay future focused and stay financially responsible during one of the most stressful times in their lives. There is no winner in divorce, but you can make confident decisions and stay in control. 

The American Bar Association lists divorce coaching as top dispute resolution processes and says: “Divorce coaching is flexible, goal-oriented process designed to support, motivate, and guide people going through divorce to help them make the best possible decisions for their future, based on their particular interests, needs, and concerns.”

How Does a Divorce Coach Help?

The whole idea of divorce can be scary and overwhelming for the strongest person. Divorce is rated the second most stressful event you can experience in life. Wouldn’t it be nice to have an experienced professional guide you through and help you avoid the big mistakes?

You probably have so many questions and not many good answers.

  • What will divorce mean for me and my family?

  • Is there a way to be amicable and still protect myself?

  • How can I minimize the impact on my children?

  • What happens to all our retirement savings and pension plans?

  • Why is my spouse behaving like a completely different person?

The antidote to fear is knowledge and that’s where a divorce coach can help. Working with you to prepare for what’s next, prioritize tasks and process what you’re feeling. When you feel supported and knowledgeable, you make confident decisions and that creates a better outcome for everyone.

Won't Hiring a Coach Make Divorce More Expensive?

It sounds counter-intuitive right? That adding someone to your team could actually save you money in the long run?

But here’s the hard truth. The business of divorce is mostly about making decisions. And no one can do that for you. Only you can. 

Investing in a divorce coach is the equivalent of hiring a guide to go on an African safari. Someone who knows the terrain, can help you get where you want to go and point you in the right direction when you need more specialized help. Working with a Certified Divorce Coach® is like seeing a brain surgeon rather than a general practioner when you have a brain tumor.

A better divorce experience requires being prepared, organized, clear headed, business-like and thoughtful. Working with a coach helps you drown out all the noise and get laser focused on your own priorities. You’ll feel empowered to make smart decisions, so you’ll use the services of other professionals more efficiently.

And that means fewer costly mistakes made out of exhaustion or emotional overload and lower expenses overall. Win-win!

I'm Already Divorced, Can You Still Help Me?

Absolutely. Many of my clients still need support long after the papers are signed and the thing is finalized. You still have a lot of hard decisions to make and a bunch of emotions that can be tough to deal with. 

You might be having a hard time with co-parenting, getting back into the work force or managing your post-divorce finances.

My specialty is working with people before, during and after divorce. But my coaching training (along with the school of hard knocks) as prepared me to assist clients with the bumps along the road of life. Divorce isn’t the only time people face hard choices. 

The best way to find out how coaching can help you make hard decisions is schedule a consult call. I’ll answer any questions you have about how I work with clients on some of the hardest choices they’ve ever had to make. 

I am the empowering divorce coach who guides women on their journey before, during and after divorce to eliminate pain, overwhelm, sadness and anger, and create more knowledge, skill and peace than I experienced myself.

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  • Her Empowered Divorce coaching provides one-on-one support and guidance tailored to your unique needs and challenges. We help you gain clarity on your goals, develop effective communication strategies, navigate legal and financial complexities, and build resilience to overcome emotional hurdles.

    1. Gain clarity and confidence: We help you understand your options, prioritize your needs, and make informed decisions throughout the divorce process.

    2. Reduce stress and overwhelm: Our personalized support system helps you manage emotional turmoil and navigate the challenges of divorce with greater ease.

    3. Develop effective communication skills: We equip you with tools and strategies to communicate effectively with your ex-partner, lawyers, and family members.

    4. Protect your financial interests: We guide you through financial considerations, property division, and child support negotiations to ensure a fair and secure outcome.

    5. Build resilience and emotional strength: We provide tools and techniques to manage stress, cope with loss, and build a positive future for yourself.

  • Our coaching programs vary in price depending on the duration and intensity of support. We offer a complimentary consultation to discuss your needs and recommend the most suitable program for you.

  • If you're feeling overwhelmed, confused, or unsure how to navigate the complexities of divorce, Her Empowered Divorce coaching can be a valuable asset. Whether you're facing a high-conflict divorce, struggling with emotional challenges, or simply want to ensure a smooth and empowering transition, our coaching can provide the support and guidance you need to achieve your desired outcome.

  • No, your divorce coach does not replace your attorney, but compliments their work as a member of your team. You still need a specialist in family law for legal advice, but by processing and prepping with your coach utilize your attorney more efficiently. copyswiss.me

    When you have clarity about your goals and priorities and can communicate those clearly to your attorney, they can do their job more effectively which usually translates to better outcome and smaller legal bill.

  • Schedule a free consultation with me to discuss your specific situation and learn how my coaching program can empower you on your divorce journey. I’m here to support you every step of the way.