Master Your Fears And Become The Person You Truly Want To Be


Fear Can Stand in the Way of Becoming The Person You Truly Want To Be

Everyone has fears. Some people are afraid of spiders, others are afraid of public speaking, others may be afraid of rejection or abandonment. The universal trigger for fear is the threat of harm, real or imagined. This threat can be for our physical, emotional or psychological well-being. While there are certain things that trigger fear in most of us, we can learn to become afraid of nearly anything. Research says that our 4 greatest fears are:

1) Fear of Heartbreak or Rejection

2) Fear of Loneliness

3) Fear of Failure

4) Fear of Death

Whatever fear you have, it’s important to deal with it. By working through your fears, you’ll be able to live a life with more peace!

Rational versus Irrational (or Emotional) Fear

There are two types of fears – rational and irrational (or emotional). Rational fears occur where there is a real, imminent threat. If someone is brandishing a knife at you, the fear of being stabbed is a rational fear. Also, Fear of death is rational.

Irrational fears pop up when no actual threat exists. They can also be fears of fictional future situations. These imagined fears come with intense, frightening thoughts and an outsized reaction, like going out of the way to avoid the possibility of the scenario ever occurring. Here you think of the following – F – false, E- evidence, A – appearing, R- real, FEAR.

Another way to look at irrational or emotional fear is that it can stem from two sources 1) Fear that I’m going to lose something that I have, or 2) Fear that I will not gain something that I want.

Fear can be a powerful emotion that can hold us back from living our best lives. When we are afraid of making the wrong decision or of the unknown, it can be easy to retreat into our comfort zones and avoid taking risks. Everyone experiences fear. Luckily, it is possible to face our fears. When we do, we may find that we are more courageous than we ever thought possible.

We all have fears. It’s natural to feel scared in the face of something that we perceive as dangerous or difficult. But what separates the brave from the coward is not the absence of fear but the ability to face our fears and move ahead. Acknowledging our fears is an important first step. Hiding them away does not make them go away, it only gives them the chance to return stronger. By admitting our fears, we remove any shame or embarrassment that we might feel, and we allow ourselves to deal with them head-on.

5 practical Tips To Overcome Fear

So, if you are feeling held back by your fears, take a deep breath and try to step out of your comfort zone. You may be surprised at what you are capable of accomplishing.

Bravery is not about being fearless. It’s about being afraid and moving ahead anyway. So next time you’re facing something that scares you, remember to acknowledge your fear. It’s the first step on the road to courage.

Confront Your Fears

Confronting your fears is often the first step in overcoming them. To do so, you have a choice: face what scares you or let fear win by staying away from it altogether! When we remain frozen at our most vulnerable moments – when faced with those things that make us feel small and inadequate–we open ourselves up for attacks on other areas in life where vulnerabilities might also exist (such as relationships). It becomes almost impossible to feel down about yourself and accept any outcome without fighting back…instead using these experiences strengthens one’s resolve even more.

Use Positive Reinforcements

When you’re facing something that makes you afraid, it can be tempting to give in to negative thoughts and let yourself be consumed by fear. Although, this will only make the situation seem more daunting and difficult to overcome. Instead of letting fear take control, try speaking positively to yourself. Remind yourself that you can handle this, even if it’s not perfect. Everyone was once a beginner, so tell yourself it’s okay if you don’t know everything. Just keep learning and expanding your knowledge. Remember, bravery is not about removing fear but moving ahead despite fear. So, acknowledge your fears, take a step forward, and speak optimistically to yourself. You’ll be surprised at how much courage you have.

Focus On Yourself And Your Tasks

One of the best ways to control anxiety is to focus on the task at hand. When we’re afraid, we tend to worry about what might happen instead of what’s happening in the moment. These are the thoughts that make us anxious. By focusing on your task, you can learn to identify these thoughts and keep them under control. This will help you maintain your composure and reduce stress. Remember, you are in control of your opinions, not the other way around. So don’t let stress take over your life. Focus on the present moment and stay calm.

Embrace Your Failure And Flaws

We have all been there before, faced with a challenge or a new task and unsure of ourselves. It is natural to want to succeed, but sometimes we must remind ourselves that failure is okay. Embracing failure can be one of the best ways to learn and grow. When we make mistakes, we have an opportunity to learn from them and come back stronger than before. Overcoming setbacks requires resilience; each time we fail and get back up again, we build that resilience muscle. So next time you feel hesitant about taking on something new, remember that failure is part of the journey to success. Embrace it and use it as a chance to learn and grow.

Facing your fears can be difficult whether they are rational or irrational, but it is important to persevere. You may have setbacks, but don’t give up on yourself. Remember that everyone has fears and you are not alone in this journey. Continue to face your fears and you will eventually overcome them.

We hope these tips have given you the courage to face your fears head-on! Dealing with fear is one step on the road to empowerment.

Turn to Someone with Experience

Many times fear is intense and deeply embedded in our thinking. In this situation, you can seek out a coach to identify their fears, assess them, develop plans to address them and then walk through them with experienced guidance. This way you don’t have to go through it alone and you can benefit from the experience of someone who has been there and knows what to do safely.

Schedule Consultation Today!

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