Divorce Mediation: What Is It and How Can It Help You?


Divorce is often a difficult and emotional process that can take a significant toll on all parties involved. One way to help alleviate some of the stress and tension associated with divorce is to consider mediation as an alternative to traditional litigation. In this blog post, we’ll explore what divorce mediation is and how it works.

What is Divorce Mediation?

Divorce mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, called a mediator, facilitates negotiations between divorcing couples. The goal of mediation is to help couples reach an agreement on the terms of their divorce, including issues such as property division, child custody, and spousal support.

Unlike traditional divorce litigation, which is adversarial in nature and often results in one party “winning” and the other “losing,” mediation is a collaborative process that encourages compromise and cooperation. This can be especially beneficial for couples who want to maintain an amicable relationship after their divorce.

How Does Divorce Mediation Work?

The mediation process typically begins with an initial meeting between the mediator and both parties. During this meeting, the mediator will explain the mediation process, answer any questions the parties may have, and help them identify the issues that need to be resolved.

Once the parties have identified the issues they need to address, the mediator will work with them to develop a plan for the mediation sessions. This may include setting an agenda, establishing ground rules for communication, and determining the length and frequency of the sessions.

During the mediation sessions, the mediator will guide the parties through a discussion of each issue on the agenda. The mediator will encourage the parties to communicate openly and honestly with each other and to consider each other’s perspectives. The mediator will also help the parties explore various options for resolving each issue and evaluate the pros and cons of each option.

Once the parties have reached an agreement on all the issues, the mediator will prepare a written agreement that outlines the terms of the divorce. The parties can then review the agreement with their respective attorneys before signing it.

Benefits of Divorce Mediation

There are many benefits to choosing divorce mediation over traditional litigation. Some of the key benefits include:

1.  Cost-effective: Mediation is often less expensive than traditional divorce litigation, since it typically involves fewer hours of attorney time and fewer court appearances.

2.  Faster: Mediation can be completed much more quickly than litigation, since the parties have control over the pace of the process.

3.  Less adversarial: Mediation is a collaborative process that encourages compromise and cooperation, which can help preserve relationships between the parties.

4.  More flexible: Mediation allows the parties to come up with creative solutions to their problems, rather than relying on the rigid rules of the court.

5.  Confidential: Mediation sessions are confidential, which means that the parties can discuss sensitive issues without fear of public disclosure.


Divorce mediation is an effective and beneficial alternative to traditional divorce litigation. It allows parties to work together to find mutually acceptable solutions to the issues arising from their divorce. If you are considering divorce, it may be worth exploring mediation as an option.



Talk to someone who has been There too.

Beverly Price, certified Divorce and Empowerment coach, and podcast host, combines divorce and empowerment coaching to provide education, support, and insight to guide women along the entire divorce process, and to conquer its emotional, technical, financial and logistical challenges. She serves women in three groups 1) those contemplating divorce, 2) those in the legal and financial process, and 3) those who are divorced, but want a happier, more fulfilling life.

She has a personal history with divorce, co-parenting, domestic violence and more. Combining this personal experience with her training, professional certifications and business knowledge, she can help women by supporting them along their journey, helping them to work through resentments, challenges of co-parenting, time management, communication, fear, sadness and shock.

When she embraced her authentic voice and her own power, she went from self-doubt to self-love – and that is what she wants for her clients. It is possible! You can contact her at herempowereddivorce.com

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