9 Compelling Reasons to Hire a Divorce Coach for Your Journey


Contemplating the prospect of divorce can cast a shadow of uncertainty and turmoil over your life. Whether you’ve reached a point of unbearable misery, been caught off guard by an unexpected announcement, or witnessed the gradual erosion of your relationship, the aftermath of a marriage’s demise can feel like a seismic rupture, shattering the foundation of your existence.

As you confront the reality of divorce, the torrent of questions flooding your mind may seem relentless: Can we navigate the financial implications of divorce? How will our children weather this storm? Is re-entering the workforce my only option? Who are my genuine friends in this journey of upheaval? Why is this happening to me? Is it possible to rebuild at this stage of life?

In this labyrinth of uncertainties, the unknowns continue to multiply. And amid the emotional maelstrom you’re navigating, summoning the energy to address these challenges becomes an uphill battle. The overwhelming nature of the tasks at hand may leave you disoriented and clueless about where to begin. The intricacies of divorce proceedings, the intricacies of trust, and the potential domino effect of one misstep haunt your thoughts.

It’s important to acknowledge that now is not the time to brave this process in solitude. Your current state of mind is not your prime self. Stress levels have skyrocketed, leaving you forgetful, exhausted, and accident-prone. Sleep eludes you or engulfs you excessively. Appetites waver, and household responsibilities pile up, all while the gravity of your decisions looms large. Despite your indifference, the choices before you carry profound and enduring consequences. The question that looms: What is your next move?

Traditionally, individuals have walked into the office of a lawyer, often unravelling emotionally while attempting to absorb the legal details. However, lawyers are not equipped to function as therapists; this reality remains unchanged. Exploiting your lawyer for anything beyond their legal expertise proves a fruitless endeavor, squandering precious time and resources.

The Concept of a Divorce Coach Divorce, a monumental life upheaval akin to marriage or childbirth, shakes the foundations of your existence. While divorce appears as the antithesis of joy, it signifies a radical transformation, akin to a rebirth. In this evolving era, a professional emerges to support you through this transition—someone who adeptly navigates not only the preparation and execution but also the emotional aftermath. Consider it analogous to a midwife, a seasoned expert guiding women through the birthing process and subsequent adaptation to profound change.

Enter the divorce coach—a holistic guide, adept at managing both emotional and practical facets of the divorce journey. These certified experts help you discern your capabilities and limitations at every juncture. They empower you to navigate this transition intelligently and healthily. The ultimate goal extends beyond mere survival; it’s about making choices that facilitate your healing and that of your children, if they’re involved.

Embracing the Lifeline of Assistance It’s crucial to accept that the scope of divorce extends beyond your individual capacity. Divorce law wasn’t a subject in your college curriculum, and the magnitude of this challenge defies intuition, let alone Google searches conducted in the depths of night. The need for external guidance becomes undeniable. Yet, exercise caution—while well-intentioned, friends and family lack the specialized training to aid you effectively in this complex journey.

It’s natural to desire to minimize the toll of mistakes born from stress and ignorance. While you can embark on preliminary research into divorce laws and organizing your documentation, a pivotal juncture arises where tailored advice becomes essential.

Begin by confiding in your close confidants, sharing your need for a supportive shoulder and assistance with childcare. However, recognize that friends and family, despite their genuine concern, lack the expertise to guide you through divorce intricacies.

The common misconception is that the first step involves securing legal representation. In reality, the path necessitates understanding your ideal divorce process: mediation, collaboration, litigation, or a do-it-yourself approach. The selection hinges on a nuanced evaluation of your circumstances. Once you’ve ascertained your preferred route, the hunt for an attorney practicing that specialization begins. However, the question lingers: How do you gauge their suitability?

Prioritize the Divorce Coach: A divorce coach alleviates your stress burden. They elucidate the divorce process, help you identify suitable legal representation, and lay out the range of options at your disposal. Moreover, a divorce coach comes armed with a network of vetted professionals—experts who’ve consistently aided their clients. In some instances, your coach may even accompany you to attorney meetings, providing support and maintaining your focus on essential aspects. The quest for an attorney constitutes a solitary facet of a broader strategy to regain control over your life.

Comprehending your financial landscape is paramount. A divorce coach can connect you with a certified divorce financial planner, initiating an education in crucial financial considerations. Should you keep or sell the house? These questions find clarity under their guidance. Beyond housing concerns, grappling with post-divorce logistics—residence arrangements and communicating the situation to your children—becomes manageable with a divorce coach by your side. The process surpasses the traditional attorney-client dynamic, unfolding as a humane, holistic endeavor.

Why Invest in a Divorce Coach? Amid the financial tumult of divorce, the prospect of hiring yet another professional might raise eyebrows. The answer, however, rests in the realm of consequential savings—of time, money, and emotional turmoil. Can you genuinely afford to forgo a divorce coach’s assistance? By engaging one, you access a guide who directs you at a fraction of an attorney’s cost. This guidance channels you to legal representation only when necessary, fostering a diversified perspective by connecting you with various experts.

Furthermore, a divorce coach nurtures your confidence and resourcefulness, enabling you to adeptly confront the multifaceted challenges that accompany personal transformation.

Do You Need a Divorce Coach? Consider these nine dilemmas: Are your thoughts muddled? Does the divorce legal process elude you, leaving you uncertain of the next step? Does anger shackle you? Are you paralyzed by fear? Do decisions evade you, or do they appear elusive in their repercussions? Does financial ambiguity cloud your understanding? Is parenting after divorce an enigma? Has your confidence hit rock bottom? Does life after divorce pose an intimidating void?

While it’s feasible to navigate divorce alone, many have discovered the immense value of a divorce coach. This professional not only empowers and guides you but also facilitates connections with other experts. Together, they equip you to make informed, strategic decisions that shape a future of healing for both you and your children.


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Beverly Price, certified Divorce, Pre-Mediation, and Empowerment coach, and podcast host, combines divorce and empowerment coaching to provide emotional relief, knowledge of the divorce processes, skill building, and support to guide women along the entire divorce process, and to conquer its emotional, technical, financial and logistical challenges. She has helped hundreds of women over her 25 years experience.

She has a personal history with divorce, co-parenting, domestic violence and more. Combining this personal experience with her training, professional certifications and business knowledge, she can help women by supporting them along their journey, helping them to work through emotions, dealing with the challenges of co-parenting, improving communication, and empowering them to find their inner strength.

When she embraced her authentic voice and her own power, she went from self-doubt to self-love – and that is what she wants for her clients. It is possible! You can learn more at herempowereddivorce.com

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